A 20C Oil Painting of White Daisies In A Trug

Ref# PFA-4282
A 20C Oil Painting of White Daisies In A Trug

An oil on canvas of white daisies in a trug with a brown jug. Signed by E Dudley (early 20th century)

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Height: 51cm / 20''
Width: 61cm / 24''
Price: £850

Inventory Code: PFA-4282
Dealer: Price Fine Art

A 20C Oil Painting of White Daisies In A Trug

An oil on canvas of white daisies in a trug with a brown jug. Signed by E Dudley (early 20th century)

Height: 51cm / 20''
Width: 61cm / 24''
Price: £850

Inventory Code: PFA-4282
Dealer: Price Fine Art
